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Simple steps to making ghee and butter at home

29 juillet 2015

Everything tastes better when you make it yourself and making your own butter and ghee is easier than you think. Here are some simple tips to follow to make your butter and ghee (clarified butter) at home.

Simple steps to making ghee and butter at home

Making ghee

Ghee is clarified butter — butter with the milk solids, moisture and salt removed. Because it is almost pure fat, ghee can be heated to a higher temperature than butter without smoking or browning and contains virtually no moisture to cause splattering. It is the most common cooking fat in India.

  1. To make ghee, melt butter (salted or unsalted) gently over a low heat at just below simmering point for one hour until it has separated into a clear, yellow liquid with a layer of milky sediment on the bottom of the pot (sediment may also form on the top of the oil).
  2. Skim off any sediment from the top and carefully pour the clear, yellow oil into a sterilized container.
  3. Leave to cool, cover and refrigerate.

Making butter with a hand churn

Butter is always delicious, but there's nothing like eating butter that's been made by hand! Read on to learn how to churn butter.

  1. Bring cream to a temperature of 10°C (50°F) before churning (a degree or two warmer if the room is cold). The temperature can be adjusted by placing the cream jar in a container of warm or cool water.
  2. Fill the churn one-third to half with cream and begin churning immediately. Butter granules should start to appear within 30 minutes. If they do not, check the temperature of the cream.
  3. Pour off the buttermilk and rinse the butter granules several times in chilled water until the water runs completely clear. Any buttermilk left behind will give the butter a sour taste.
  4. With two small wooden pats or two large table spoons, work the butter to remove any remaining moisture and work in the salt that has been added.
  5. Put the butter into a mould or shape it with pats.

Apart from the wooden churn, most buttermaking equipment is available from dairy suppliers, so make sure to start there when starting out on this  fulfilling hobby.


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