There's no end to the sticky situations that can befall you while travelling, and it's always best to be prepared. Here's how to back up a trailer and best survive if an avalanche strikes.
28 juillet 2015
There's no end to the sticky situations that can befall you while travelling, and it's always best to be prepared. Here's how to back up a trailer and best survive if an avalanche strikes.
Driving forwards with a trailer is a breeze, but reversing to turn around or to manoeuvre into a parking space requires a little know-how and some practice. In time, though, it will be second nature to you. Here's some advice:
If you're going into an avalanche zone, consider hiring or buying an avalanche transceiver (available online). Worn inside your clothing, it transmits a signal that can be tracked.
With a little practice, you'll be backing up your trailer without a second thought. And although you'll hopefully never need to use this avalanche survival advice, having peace of mind is always a good thing.
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