1h après avoir appelé le taxi il est arrivé. Le chauffeur a configuré lui-même le pourboire quil se donnait sur la machine interac. Il a pris plusieurs détours et ne voulait pas mettre le GPS.
I took Bobs taxi the ride was a total of 11$ it was to be paid at the drop of location. Due to complications (out of my control)couldnt be.I told drive would give him my Identfocation for collateral he refused .meter gets to 22$ calls police. They were going to arrest me for fraud. Meter gets to 48$ driver says fine Ill take your purse phone etc .Now I owe 50$ .Robbery as far as Im concerned . Driver was rude when I went next day to try and access phone for numbers etc .Theres more but no space
Très mauvais service on nous ment sur le temps d’attente et quand on rapelle la fille nous dit il arrive dans 3 minutes a 4 reprises. Au début c’était 30 minutes et apres 1h25 d’attente ils nous disent le chauffeur ne voulait plus prendre l’appel. C’est un manque de professionnalisme immense et rire des gens comme ça c’est inacceptable. Je déconseille énormément cette compagnie.PLUS JAMAIS!!!
So i was totally drunk on December 30th , i called Bob taxi which i always respected , my ride costed me 400 dollars ,from Gatineau to Ottawa , pay him 100 dollars for not knowing where i was going plus i forgot my wallet in the car. He helped him self to take the rest of the money and threw my wallet off the window on Kent street, when i complained , they told me they are are not responsible for that.