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How to make your own pasta

28 juillet 2015

Preparing the perfect pasta dish

Pasta is tasty, hugely versatile and simple to make at home. Here are some guidelines for making your own from scratch or using a pasta machine.

How to make your own pasta

Pasta can be frozen after making or dried completely and kept in an airtight jar. It's even quicker and easier to make if you invest in a pasta machine.

Serves 4

  • 300 g (10.5 oz) all-purpose or bread flour, plus extra for working and rolling
  • 3 medium eggs, lightly beaten
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp (5 mL) olive oil

By hand method

  1. Put the flour onto a clean work surface and make a well in the centre. Add the eggs, salt and oil then use a fork to draw in flour from the rim. Use your fingers to form a moist but not sticky dough.
  2. Lightly flour the work surface then knead the dough for about 10 minutes, alternately folding it using your fingers and pressing it with the heel of your hand. Form into a ball, cover in plastic wrap and rest in a cool place for 20 minutes.
  3. Divide dough into four portions (roll each separately). Flour both work surface and rolling pin well. Pat the dough down, then roll, lifting and turning the dough occasionally, to form a neat oblong or square. Leave to dry for about 10 minutes. For flat pasta such as lasagne, use a large knife to cut it as required. Leave to dry for least 15 minutes before cooking.
  4. For ribbon noodles, flour the dough and fold it several times to make a loose roll. Cut into four to six millimetre (about 1/4 inch) strips before unravelling them and leaving them to dry on a clean, floured tea towel for at least 15 minutes before using.

Pasta machine method

  1. Make the dough using durum wheat (Italian 'OO') flour if possible.
  2. Divide into batches and pass through the machine's rollers six to eight times, starting with the thickest setting then adjusting the machine with each rolling until you have the required thinness.
  3. Dry for 10 minutes then, if you wish, attach a cutting head to make ribbon noodles.
  4. Dry as above.
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