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5 creative Easter egg decorating tips

13 octobre 2015

While you may enjoy making Easter eggs every year, perhaps it's time to add a creative twist to this holiday tradition. Here are five Easter egg styles that are especially fun and easy to do.

5 creative Easter egg decorating tips

1. Blackboard Easter eggs

  • You can purchase blackboard paint at hardware stores, then simply paint the eggs or dip them in a blackboard paint bucket.
  • After they dry, you can use chalk or a chalk pencil to sketch designs or messages on the eggs.

2. Temporary tattoo eggs

  • Kids love temporary tattoos, but they're also a great idea for making Easter eggs.
  • You can slap on superheroes, popular cartoon characters and stars from the latest movies.
  • You can even dye your eggs first and then add these temporary tattoos later.

3. Drizzle eggs

  • Simply select a number of different dyes that you think would look good together, then drizzle some rubber cement around the eggs in little patterns and let it dry.
  • Afterwards, dip your egg into a colour of your choice and then peel the rubber cement off.
  • You can repeat this step several times until you have cool wiggly lines across your eggs in a number of different colours.

4. Personalized eggs

  • Dip your egg in some Easter dye, leaving about a third of the egg uncovered.
  • This will leave a blank white oval and a coloured border where your kid's name can go.
  • You can write the names with a black magic marker or use alphabet stickers.

5. Easter bunny eggs

  • Simply buy some small pink cotton pom-poms at your local craft store and some white construction paper.
  • The pink cotton balls will serve as the rabbit's nose and should be small enough to fit on a standard egg.
  • Glue this nose onto the egg and then draw the rabbit's mouth and whiskers around it.
  • Add two small eyes, making them big or small depending on how you want your bunny to look.
  • Finally, cut out two small oval ears from the construction paper, bend a small portion at the bottom and glue these to the top.
  • You'll have a cute bunny afterwards that your kids will love.
  • Ultimately, these are just a few ideas to get you started. It will give a DIY feel to Easter that will make it more memorable for everyone involved, and give you something exciting to do during this Easter holiday season.
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